Our Vision

Empowered by the Holy Spirit, our vision is to know Jesus Christ, to make him known to others, and to become reflections of God’s love throughout the world.

Our motto :

For His sake……
I am but one,
I cannot do everything, but I can do something.
What I can do, I ought to do
What I ought to do, by the grace of God I will do
Lord, what will you have me do?

The Bread of Life women group is known as:
“Be Ye Workers of God”-(BYWOG)

God’s work involves many different individuals with a variety of gifts and abilities.
There are no superstars in this task, only team members performing their own special roles. We become useful members of God’s team by setting aside our desires to receive grace for what we do.
Don’t seek the praise that comes from people because it is comparatively worthless, instead, seek the approval that comes from God. (1st Cor 3:1-9 for more understanding)

Meet every second Sundays of the month to build our Godly and Sisterly relationship.

Bread of Life’s Be Ye Women of God (BYWOG) meet every second Sundays of the month to build our Godly and Sisterly relationship. Our focus is to provide a thread of connection among the Bread of Life Women of God and show the sisterly love among ourselves and to the society. We put God first in al we do and celebrate each other. We strive for consistency and Excellency. Even during the pandemic, our monthly meeting continued. We use experienced speakers to discuss topics that are beneficial in our daily Lives.
Come fellowship with us and feel the Godly and Sisterly love! Contact us