Our Vision/Mission
To win children to Christ and grow children spiritually through the inspired teaching of the word of God in a way that they will ultimately be strong, confident, and obedient followers of our Lord Jesus Christ and to connect every child with a leader, Deuteronomy 6:6-9.
Our department focus on children’s spiritual, physical and emotional wellbeing.
Planned activities for 2021
Valentine’s Day party:
February 14th – Celebrating Christ’s love towards us and showing love to others.
Easter’s program:
April 4th, the purpose of the program is to show our children the importance of the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Pajama’s Sunday:
May 30th , mission is to promote and support a comforting bedtime routine and healthy sleep for all children to help them thrive
Children’s Week:
July 21st to 23rd– Summer activities and Celebration.
Dunamis/Angels Night:
October – Dunamis week – The purpose is to share with them the boldness Christ has given them and not to be afraid of anything.
Movie/activity Sunday:
October 31st.
Thanksgiving party:
November 21st – Giving thanks to God.
Christmas party/end of year celebration:
December 19th, celebrating the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ.